How to apply
All vacancies within NEAT Academy Trust are advertised on our vacancies page. If you’re looking for more information about any of our schools, you can find this on their individual website.
Our vacancies are all published on North East Jobs, and if you take a look at our Employer Page, you can find our most recent adverts.
Interested in applying?
Please visit our vacancy page where you can find out more about the role by reading the supporting documents for the position. Each vacancy will also list a link that directs you to North East Jobs to apply using our online application form.
Please see our privacy notice for job applicants for information about how and why we process personal data during the recruitment process.
If you are not sure about applying to any specific role, but are interested in working with us, fill in the form below!
Disability Confident Employer
We are proud to be a disability confident employer. This means that we commit to:
– Interviewing all applicants with a disability who meet the essential criteria on a person specification.
– Being flexible when assessing candidates, so disabled job applicants have the best opportunity to demonstrate their abilities.
– Making workplace adjustments as required.